Airport Struggles —
- ask if the weight of my luggage is acceptable
- else : prepay for a luggage to bring it on the flight ($60)
- return get all luggage onto the plane

Call customer service of flight — describe what I have etc.
Situation: I have 24Kg luggage and I thought needed under 50 lbs. I met a scary man who offered to take me home after his work shift. I also have a international calling fee of .25 cent per minute
Task: Seek out emotional help: JJ, and calm me. JJ said don’t trust the crazy man. So I left. She offered to text in the group chat. That was her instincts. 10% of nice, and 90% of uncertainty.
Action: JJ suggested to look at customer service or go to the front desk, but I needed to conserve my energy so I sat down and searched it up.
Result: I can have a carry on and personal item as tall as me L+W+H = 157 cm. and an additional 70 lbs for checked baggages.
STAR resume technique eh?