Back to School!
It’s my grand finale.
This is my motto for the school year: we are going to try and learn from my mistakes!

Today, I went on a 14-mile bike ride. I’m incredibly thankful for the strength and body I have now. My intention for the day was to exercise and enjoy Berkeley’s sights. Now that I’m back, I’ve finally settled in.
Unpacking all my belongings was tough. I also miss my previous housemate, although I love my new ones! As I complete this 5th year, I’m realizing it’s a transition — a smoother path to adulthood, even though I’m already an adult. I can’t wait for what the future has in store.
I meditated, watched ‘Anne with an E,’ and, lastly, I’ve just made my first podcast publication! You can listen here: [Podcast Link].
Wish me luck as I embark on this challenging yet awesome final school year!
Here’s the link again if the hyperlink above did not work.
These are titles to encapsulate my feelings but we can only chose one.
- “Pedaling through Possibilities: My Grand Finale at UC Berkeley”
- “Embracing Transition: A First-Gen’s Journey in the Berkeley Spotlight”
- “Unpacking Life: Navigating Challenges and New Beginnings”
- “From Biking Trails to Podcast Tales: Chronicles of My Berkeley Adventure”
- “Fifth Year Unveiled: Adventures in Learning, Growth, and Podcasting”