Be a part of Better internet…

2 min readJun 20, 2024


Something I noticed in the presence of UC Berkeley as a STEM student how privilege it is to be surrounded by the trails of past activist and brave people who’ve risked their lives and move with passion and purpose in their works. I now sit in FSM and read Mario Savio’s speech here called the Operation Machine. How did it make me feel? I never noticed it before, it’s always been there, but today in the midst of reading mastering metrics and learning about cost benefit analysis, and the ethical and resources needed to run randomized sampling and random selection I wonder how long as it been since I’ve been passively feeding into this University. It is still constructed upon founders and business men who were once racist and who did bad in the world. In my 5 years here, I’ve noticed the social science building get renamed from someone who was shamed upon on their historical actins. Then to my left I see there is a poster that says unite against war, another saying “he didn’t protest”, key words like: intersectional movements, a duality between militant antiwar and pacifism. all of this surrounds me and now I’m realize the art of protest as I sit in free speech cafe. This was a place where I attended Math10 series and learned stoichiometry. I don’t even know what those words mean. But I am a true believer that whatever I do, although I migh tnot have all the answers yet, and realize what I am doing. I will continue to trust my gut (1), realize passion is purpose (2) and writing it down (3) is the minimal motto I will live by today.




Creative soul, unbound by labels. Embracing art, exploration, and authenticity.