Consistent Sleep Schedule
I don’t look at my phone after 9 PM.
This time of night I will be searching the web for distractions, anything. Even if it means to open and close instagram 3 times. I don’t know why this happens. It’s so annoying. I still will never delete instagram.
I meal prep so that when I wake up I just eat.
I also don’t care what clothes I wear. I just put on clothes that will keep me warm/cool or whatever for the day.
I am a textile-sensitive person, so I hate when things feel static and sometimes tight. but sometimes tight is in style and I want my leggings.
Let’s talk about a bad sleep habit and what that looks like. I’ve been scrolling since 10pm and now it’s 1AM. I wake up at 9AM on the dot and realize I’m going to miss discussion. I cut my losses and wake up then and eat breakfast. I will go about my day how I usually would, I am also annoyed and fustrated that I didn’t discipline myself well.
This is where my friend — self-compassion comes in.
IT’S OKAY to have bad days, we all have them. you slipped up and scrolled for a little too long. That’s okay it happens. What are the decisions you make after this mistake? This is where it matters most. ARe you ogoing to do it again>! NO.
Try to be more intensional next time, set up a nice routine. I have this calming spray. Setting an intension is so important. For example, when I take a melatonin pill thingy, I am committed to sleeping and I will lay there as long as I can until I wake up the next morning. Now if you have a medical condition, or insomnia… then I am sorry I am not your person.
Make sure you take your medication in a timely matter. I’ve in fact accidentally taken strattera too late in the night and couldn’t sleep. I was hearing voices… VOICES. My conscious wouldn’t stop thinking. So that night was hell.
Anyways, best of luck hope this helps.
- build a routine
- make it night and comfy
- your phone is the devil avoid it like the plague
- be nice to yourself
- act like royalty and make going to bed exciting
- figure out what your main issue/obstacle is: it can be picking out an outfit in the morning, getting breakfast ready, prepping your bags, is it too cold when you get out of bed.
Wish : I want a better sleeping routine and would like to be a morning person agan
Obstacle: I have too much homework and I’m forced to stay up later than I want. I miss the bus all the time, so create a routine. I also think it’s too cold in the morning and I would rather stay in my bed longer.
Outcome: If I stick to my plans, I will have more energy, I will proficiently get time management down, and I’ll feel proud of myself. I also will feel more disciplined and in control of my life. If I can get one thing right, it’s gonna be making my bed.
Plan: I will start with aromatic therapy spray before bed. I’ll make sure I have everything I need for the morning so I can limit the amount of thinking I need to do from out of my bed to getting on the bus.