From Loneliness to Life’s Bliss: The Unbelievable Journey That Inspired My Blogging Revolution!
What prompted me to create my own public blog? Well, it all started with a sense of loneliness. While I was abroad, I found myself without any contact with the friends and family members I was familiar with. I used to call up my friends on short notice and talk for hours, but being alone in Sweden for the first time made me realize that I needed another outlet.
That’s when blogging came into the picture. I enjoyed discovering moments of bliss in life and sharing them with others — something timeless that will never fade. What better way to use this medium than through my words and descriptions? Since I already talk a lot, and when I’m too tired of talking, I turn to blogging. There’s just so much I want to share and explore with all of you that I can’t contain or withhold all this knowledge myself.
I am considering creating my own life course, similar to Hillary’s. Not that anyone needs to buy it, but it will help me reflect, revise, and revisit my own life. I don’t plan to write a whole book directly, but with the pace and content I already have, I’m learning to savor not only the good quality videos but also the poor ones because I am the person who determines how much I am. I am priceless, and the work I produce is important to me. That’s all that matters.