My High School Resume

9 min readJan 18, 2025


I am a programmer, artist, athlete, and sexual assault survivor advocate.

I am an aspiring graduate student dedicated to seeking preventative care in the Healthcare field through Technology.


Biological Science- Public Health

Computer Science


  • Educational goals:

Data Science emphasis in Human Behavior and Psychology B.A., M.S., PhD

  • Career goals:

Health Administrator

Nursing- Nurse Practitioner

Otolaryngologist (ENT)



Queer: Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Marketing Person Sales Person

  • Special programs you are in:

Distinguished Scholars

Trio Upward Bound, Long Beach City College

Dual Enrollment, Long Beach City College

Early College Preparedness Program, Long Beach City College

Sports Medicine Mentoring Program, West Coast Foundation

Disable Student’s Program

  • High school grade point average:


  • Test scores:

SAT: 1050

  • AP classes (scores):

Art History: 3

Biology: 2

Seminar: 2

World History: 3

English Literature: 1

Psychology: 3

Statistics: 1

TECHNICAL SKILLS (In Order of Proficiency):

Java, Python


OhCleo Stockholm Sweden (2 months) global internship

At OhCleo, I was expected to show up from 10–5pm everyday except Monday and Thursday. I was responsible for checking the latest posts and engage with content from 2 different pseudo-name accounts. Throughout my internship I switched hats between Social Media and the Data Science Team. I worked on mySQL code and created a dashboard where I posted all my progress of queries I made. Some of the queries I made used google and chatGBT resources to help guide me, and I realized the working space is highly reliant on online sources. Then I also created meeting notes for weekly meeting and lastly, I reached out to other creators off of OhCleo to recruit them on to our app with a pseudo account.

At my summer internship in Stockholm, Sweden I was eager to learn how a data science internship would look like at a start-up. In the past, I’ve been very skeptical of start-ups because of the lack of funding and support a bigger funded company would have. However little did I know, I receive 1:1 meetings and good feedback on my work. I learned that the start-up market is amazing, as long as it gets enough funding. I also learned that any type of work required time and commitment, and with enough consistency and reaching out to the right people you will be successful. Now throughout the process, one’s definition of success might change, however, this experience is like a pot of gold. It special and rather than spending the summer at home in the States I got to experience abroad for the very first time. I learned that even though I am abroad there are resources available for me, and as an emerging adult I am capable of taking a care of myself. Absolute Internship made it a safe and welcoming space for me to communicate to my employer safely with the safety net that I have someone else to advocate for me in the working space from absolute internship.

I enjoyed the freedom I had away from what was familiar to me in the States. Everything felt brand new and different, which I had anticipated. I felt like I was in a movie everyday, and that there was endless potential for me to explore. Given that I didn’t have much money, the least I can be grateful for is that I was poor in a new country and although I didn’t have loads of money to spend, it was fantastic to simply see people around me that speak a whole different language. The scholarship significantly impacted my decision to participate in the Stockholm program because though I need money, I often don’t have the energy or autonomy to apply and I always feel immense doubt and feel the fear of rejection that restricts me from applying. Since the Nordic Scholarship was a guarantee, it was a big push towards my application and one less thing I needed to worry about.

CHAT GBT’s hype for me:

- **KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and Data Analysis:** You were involved in analyzing data related to the platform’s performance. You used key metrics like earnings, engagement, and user activity to measure the platform’s success.

- **Batch Processing and Real-Time Data:** You dealt with both batch processing and real-time data processing. Batch processing involves processing data in chunks or batches, while real-time data processing involves handling data as it arrives.

- **Joining Tables and Complex Computations:** You performed data manipulations by joining different tables to extract relevant information. This allowed you to perform complex computations and derive insights from the data.

- **Earnings Calculation for Creators:** You calculated the earnings for creators based on various factors such as subscription, tips, and unlock. This likely involved complex formulas and data processing to ensure accurate calculations.

- **User Engagement and Interaction Analysis:** You analyzed user engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and plays. This helped you understand which content was most popular and how users interacted with the platform.

- **Retention Analysis:** You worked on analyzing user retention and cohort analysis. This involves studying how users engage with the platform over time, which helps in understanding user behavior patterns.

- **Messaging and Communication Analysis:** You examined user messaging behavior, including direct messages (DMs). This likely involved counting the number of messages sent and received and identifying patterns in user communication.

- **Creator Activation and Onboarding Analysis:** You analyzed the onboarding process for creators, including their activation journey from sign-up to creating content and engaging with the platform’s features.

- **Top Performer Identification:** You identified top-performing creators based on metrics such as likes, comments, and earnings. This likely involved complex queries and data sorting.

- **Data Visualization:** You visualized data using tables and graphs to present insights and findings in a clear and organized manner.

- **Recommendations and Insights:** You made assumptions, suggestions, and provided insights based on your analysis. This might have included suggestions for improving the platform’s performance, user engagement, and revenue generation.

Throughout your internship, you engaged with databases, analyzed data, and used SQL queries and data manipulation techniques to extract valuable information. Your work contributed to understanding user behavior, optimizing creator engagement, and improving the overall platform experience.

Classes Taken:

  • US Civil War to Present (LBCC)


  • Sociology 1 (Introduction to Sociology)
  • Math 10A/10B: Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics
  • American Study 10: Love, American Style
  • Taekwondo/Yungmudo
  • Computer Science 10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing
  • Chem 1A/L: General Chemistry
  • Art 12 Drawing Foundations
  • Chinese 1A: elementary Chinese
  • French R1B: English and Composition in Connecting with the Reading of Literature
  • Microcell Biology W61: Brain, Mind, and Behavior
  • STAT 20: Introduction to probability and statistics
  • Math 1B: Calculus
  • Philosophy 121: Moral Questions of Data Science
  • Math 54: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
  • Cognitive Science 1 Introduction to Cognitive Science
  • Computer Science 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  • Computer Science 61B: Data Structures and Programming Methodology
  • Electrical Engineering Computer Science 16A/ 16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems I/II
  • Psychology 134 Health Psychology
  • Psychology 156 Human Emotion
  • PBHLTH 197 Sexual Health Education Program
  • DATA 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science


Cal Triathlon

  • Plants and flowers are amazing and birds


  • 3 C’s
  • Queer
  • Poly
  • Break for Sweden
  • Help thru back pain
  • DR. RUSH
  • ADHD
  • Autistic (?)
  • Neuroscience headaches in sleep

Sexual Health Educator Program

Path To Care


Cal Rugby

Cal Triathlon



Nail Polish Painter

$20 Basic

Cultinary School

Writing letters



  • Tango
  • Swing
  • Salsa
  • Batchata
  • Free style hip hop
  • Pole (?)

Cal Queer and Asian — Board Member (Historian/Gree)



SYZ Sorority

Language Exchange Program



  • Zygomas Girls-Member (June 2018-June2019)

Top 25 most involved senior girls

Generate and coordinate school activities

Weekly meeting at lunch

  • Female Leadership Academy-Public Affairs Lead (June 2017- January 2019)

Weekly meetings after school

Address self-esteem, unity, and cultural awareness

Organized Denim Day City Wide, Orange day

  • Link Crew-Leader, Commissioner (June 2017-June 2019)

Administer freshmen orientation

Guide leaders in cheers and activities

  • Medical Club-Secretary, Former President (September 2016-June 2019)

Weekly meetings at lunch

Organizing volunteer opportunities

Informing others about other medical careers

  • Camp Counselor at Elementary WRAP program (2015- 2016)

Provided guidance for children

Attention to detail

  • Student Member of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Wilson Accreditation (October 2018- April 2019)

Attended and contributed to monthly meetings

Assist school evaluation for accreditation

  • REACH internship — Retention Team Spring 2020
  • Rugby Spring 2022 — Social Chair
  • Queer and Asian — Board Member: Social Chair Spring 2023


  • Long Beach City College Upward Bound (2016- August 2019)

Northern California college visits

Career Exploration: Guest Speakers/Panels

Post-secondary education: Tutoring/Earning School Credentials

  • Cross Country- Captain (2015–2019)

Summer practice

Weekly 3 mile races

Recruit and instruct athletes

  • Track and Field- Captain (2015–2019)

After school practice

Weekly track meets

Proctor for athletes

Weekly races

  • Coding Boot Camp, Long Beach City College (November 2018- January 2019)

Computer programming course

  • Everything Creative Club, Treasurer (2017–18)

Financial manager for activities

Organize weekly arts and craft activities

  • Early College Pathway Partnership, Long Beach City College (Summer 2017)

Career Exploration: College Course

  • Long Beach City College, Dual Enrollment (Summer 2017)

United States History Course

  • West Coast Sports Medicine Foundation Summer Mentoring (Summer 2017)

Athletic Trainer

Sports Medicine

Injury Recognition, Prevention, and Rehabilitation

Wound Care, Taping and Bracing, Managing Emergency Situation

CPR and First Aid Certification

Genesis Healing Institute | Lifeforce Fellow Berkeley, CA | May 2021 — July 2021

  • Developed an expansive understanding of decolonizing approaches to mental health.
  • Participated in peer workshops that focused on medicalized and colonial natures of the field of Western mental health.
  • Analyzed existing factors contributing to intergenerational trauma along with creating integrative procedures to emotional wounds and mental delusions.
  • Collaborated with other interns on a project about healing ecosystems that exist within communities and the impact of systemic and institutional violence in the United States.

VA Emergency Room | Student Nurse Assistant Long Beach, CA | July 2015 — May 2019

  • Check Vital Signs, Perform an Electrocardiogram (EKG) for patient, and provide bedside assistant

Dough something dishes and cuisince


  • National Honors Society/ California Scholarship Federation-President (2015-Present)

Academic Recognition

Organize and address peer tutoring sessions

  • Long Beach Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (June 2017- June 2019)

Emergency Room Nurse Assistant with Supervision

Interact with individuals of all levels

Work well in a high-pressure environment

Escorting patients

Restock patients room and nurses supplies

Providing bedside assistance with supervision

Check Vital Sign, Perform an Electrocardiogram (EKG) for patient

  • Female Leadership Academy-Public Affairs Lead (June 2017- January 2019)

Organize and address school projects

Denim Day, Interval House Orange Day, and Ronald McDonald Project

  • Student Athletic Trainer (2017–2018)

First Aid

Monitor injury rehabilitation

Consult with physicians and coaches

Quickly learn procedures and methods

  • Key Club (2015- 2016)

Actively attend weekly community service projects

Tree Planting, Beach Clean-Ups


  • Au Pair (2009-Present)

Menial housekeeping routines

Babysitting children ages 3–15 y/o


  • Recreational Activities

Running, Biking and Hiking

  • Reading

Free Reading

  • Arts and Crafts

Holiday Gifts

  • Social Events

Volunteering in the community




Wilson High School

Cross Country and Track and Field Coach


Upward Bound- TRiO Upward Bound Specialist

Long Beach, CA 90806

Where I would like to send my girls:

Joypurhat Girls Cadet College

I am a programmer, artist, athlete, and sexual assault victim advocate.

I am an aspiring graduate student dedicated to seeking preventative care in the Healthcare field through Technology.

I am seeking a position that will allow me to utilize and expand on my Python and Java programming skills.


University of California, Berkeley Expected: May 2023

Bachelors of Arts

Technical Skills (In Order of Proficiency):

Java, Python Classes Taken: CS61A, CS61B, EECS 16A/B


West Coast Sports Medicine Foundation: Athletic Trainer June 2017 — June 2019

  • Athletic Trainer: CPR and First Aid Certified
  • Injury Recognition, Prevention, and Rehabilitation
  • Wound Care, taping and bracing, managing an intensive environment


GBO Orientation Leader (Seasonal) May 2020 — Present

  • Administer 80 transfer students for a welcoming orientation
  • Created a master link sheet for students and facilitated heavy topic workshops about bear pact, and safety

UC Berkeley College of Engineering Academic Intern August 2020 — November 2020

● Taught multiple groups of up to 100+ students in the fundamentals of computer science including data structures, programming methodologies, and algorithms in Python, Scheme, and SQL.

● Assisted TA’s with logistics and regulated lab checkoffs and attendance. Gave lectures, hosted office hours help, and assisted in debugging students’ code while providing feedback and support to course staff and students.

REACH! Retention Intern January 2020 — May 2020

  • Organized and coordinated social events via google sheets, slack and social media
  • Facilitated a Mental Health Workshop for 100 incoming freshmen

Female Leadership Academy: Public Affairs Leader June 2017- January 2019

  • Incorporating self-esteem, unity, and cultural awareness
  • Partnered with Interval House Professionals 2/week services to

advocate self-esteem, unity, and established cultural awareness to 3,500

students of low income to plan for Sexual Assault Awareness Month


  • Python: Ants Vs. SomeBees (A Tower Defense Game) Partnered Project
  • Combining functional and object-oriented programming paradigms and involves understanding, extending, and testing a large program
  • Python: Autocorrected Typing Software
  • Wrote a program that measures typing speed and implemented typing autocorrect, which is a feature that attempts to correct the spelling of a word after a user types it. This project is inspired by typeracer.
  • Java: Game Sharing
  • Java: Gitlet (version-control system)
  • Java: Data Structures
  • Double Ended Queue: and


Languages: Teochew, Khmer, English




Written by FikaWithHill

Creative soul, unbound by labels. Embracing art, exploration, and authenticity.

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