Quantifying my time and how I spend it

1 min read4 days ago


recently I started looking into investments, and looking into how to begin my ROTH IRA.

If y’all don’t know what that is, then it’s okay.

You might not have to worry about it.

I’m currently in class, and I am realizing how much skill set I’ve gained in college. *crickets*

  • *realizing I can’t decide if I should say much or many in my previous sentence*

I’m getting to cocky in class now, this is my last class of the semester and I can’t get my brain to function.

it’s 8AM and all I want to do is journal and talk to yall.

This class is very under stimulating, and I get it it’s the more detailed parts of my learning career. These things are important. I need to know why multilinear collinearity is important.

Anyways, I got off topic like usual. Thanks for reading today’s brain dump.

Take care

and please remind me to liquidate my money or something about finances with the fancy terms.

I will renew or continue to learn more about how to manage my finances.




Creative soul, unbound by labels. Embracing art, exploration, and authenticity.