What’s all about deadlines helping us with productivity?
Do you hate the feeling of last minute cramming, but it helps you going and finally stop putting off the daunting task you’ve been avoiding.
Well,,,,,,, good for you. I found the solution to this. In order to get over the hump of how difficult this task is use a solve it grid, break the task into different categories.
Red- emergency state
Yellow- warning state
Blue- meh boring, later
Green- heck ya this is FUN!
Using this same idea let me show you how i can break down my acceptance to Cal as an example:
Red- emergency state — applications are due tomorrow
Think worst case scenario, it sometimes help, if it’s not stressful- try to psych yourself out: I’m a high school senior graduating tomorrow and I DONT HAVE A COLLEGE or ANYTHING LINED UP.
Yellow- warning state — I don’t have resumes, letters of rec and I have a long essay to write
Blue- meh boring, later — writing my ideas, brain storming, starting the task, and asking for counselor’s guidance, or getting up to go to that college fair, and socialize (yes even as a social butterfly I am, I get social anxiety or I’m low on energy because some circumstance.
Green- heck ya this is FUN! I GOT INTO COLLEGE, and I’m moving out tomorrow! I DID IT all for me.
The feeling of clicking submit and finally breathing….
Then the cycle all begins again in 5 years or so if you want to go to grad school or get a job.
HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS without killing yourself and having bad sleep habits because you’re pulling all nighters or neglecting other responsiblities like eating healthy, sleeping, and exercising.
There MUST be a big change within you to see some new results. Meet with an academic coach, counselor, or therapist OR if you were like me and didn’t have money and I was scared — talk to your teachers, or someone you look up to and trust and would like to become.
I promise someone who wants the best for you will have the best intention and will try to help you the best they can and redirect you if they don’t know.
This is the hardest part, at least for me.
I have no other motivational speeches or energy within me left, but if you have questions write to me fikaWithHill@gmail.com and I’m happy to chat.
Take Care, and Good Skill!
Fika With Hill