Your choice to heal will leave a legacy. What legacy do you want your healing to leave behind?
from owning our struggles — a path to healing and finding a community in a broken world by minaa B LMSW
I hope that with grace, and kindness that everyone can see that regardless of my struggles and the obstacles I face — I chose resilience, to be optimistic, and do it anyway.
I had this cover letter on my facebook that says start anywhere. I love this idea of starting anywher and becoming the person I would like to be. I want to write a book and connect with others along my journey hence this medium of blogging, podcast, and running my instagram. It’s nothing much but me speaking my thoughts and sharing my ideas, but none the less I love being able to be myself. I love that I am free of any ties, and that I can travel the world, learn a new language, and meet new people. I don’t particularly feel the need to become a therapist though I think it would be my next stepping stone. I am really good at counseling and comforting others, and I think that this is a process that I’m willing to give it a try and put in the hours. I’ve thought about combating sexual abuse and domenstic violence and working within the areas of relationships and providing what a healthy relationship looks like. Organizations like Bantaey Srei, One Love, Raiin, BAYWAR, they are all amazing organizations that I look towards one day working towards. I think that it’s impossible to do everything at once, and I need a resting period where I can volunteer and work a 9–5pm temporarily but as of now my goals are to attend kinsey institute and get a PhD in sociology and a minor in Human Sexuality.
I know that I love kids and I love my work with habitot and to have my own children, but I have to prioritize my career.
I think loving my friends and family and being the person I am right now is my destined focus. I think I’ve done a lot of work on myself and will continue to work on myself knowing that the world is uncertain and I love the people that surround me. I appreciate the gifts life has offered me, and it’s a privilege even as a minority to be blogging and sharing my story and aspirations like this. Thank you for listening and reading this post!
I hope you are well, and take good care!
Until next time,
Fika With Hill is out!